Thank you for considering hosting a fundraising event for Down Syndrome Dublin. There are so many ways for you to support us and you don’t have to be a seasoned fundraiser. Every fundraising event makes a difference, no matter how big or small, so thank you for your support.
Down Syndrome Dublin is independently funded and receives no government or institutional funding. All our activities and services rely on the contributions from our members and the generosity of the public through donations and fundraising events.
When you raise money for a branch of Down Syndrome Ireland that money remains within the branch to benefit the members.
At Down Syndrome Dublin the money is used to provide services for our members in the Dublin region. We provide a subsidised therapy scheme where the branch will help cover the cost of therapies such as Speech and Language and Occupational Therapy. We also provide social activites, courses and training events.
The branch is run by parent volunteers.
Down Syndrome Dublin is one of 25 branches under Down Syndrome Ireland. Down Syndrome Ireland oversee the financial management and accounts of Down Syndrome Dublin and it publishes its and all the branches’ financial accounts annually. They are prepared in accordance with the most up to date accounting standards, FRS 102 (2015) and with UK and Irish GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) (2014).
Down Syndrome Ireland also comply with the requirements set down by the Charities Regulatory Authority, the Governance Code of Good Practice for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations and the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising created by the organisation Irish Charities Tax Reform, ICTR.
For further details and a copy of Down Syndrome Irelands Annual Reports please visit the Down Syndrome Ireland website.
Down Syndrome Dublin is managed, on a voluntary basis, by a committee made up of parents of a child or adult with Down syndrome. The committee meet monthly and make all management and financial decisions for the continued and sustainable operation of the charity and to ensure that it meets its objective in supporting people with Down syndrome and their families.
Some examples of fundraising events people have completed in the past would be:
A money raised goes directly back to our members
The Women’s Mini Marathon occurs each June bank holiday weekend in Dublin and is the largest women’s event of its kind in the world.
The Mini Marathon is always a fantastic event with so many people taking part representing Down Syndrome Dublin and fundraising on our behalf.
Here is what you need to do if you are interested in taking part in this years VHI Mini-Marathon for Down Syndrome Dublin:
If you are doing a fundraising event for Down Syndrome Dublin and would like a free T-Shirt please fill in the form below. Please give us as much notice as possible and we will send the T-Shirts a few days before the event starts.
Did you know you can nominate Down Syndrome Dublin as part of the Tesco Community Fund? In fact if you can spare 5 minutes you can do it very quickly using this link
The Tesco Community Fund take suggestions for a good cause in your local community. Every eight weeks, each store will donate up to €1000 to local good causes.
Some information to help you fill in the form:
Name of local cause: Down Syndrome Ireland – Dublin Branch
Address of cause: Down Syndrome Dublin, PO Box 13642, Fonthill, Dublin 22
Email address of cause:
Mobile phone number for cause: 01-9022989
Website for cause:
You can now make an online donation direct to Down Syndrome Dublin using your credit/debit card. Just complete the donation form.